Bethel Library

Come into the library for magazines, books, and media, as well as good conversation! Our mission is to support the children and adults of our congregation as we all learn to walk in Christ. For information about our library, please visit this page.


Bethel’s nursery exists to provide a safe and loving environment for children and to give them a positive first experience of church. We want children to experience Jesus’s love through the love of their caregivers. Our nursery ministry helps parents and guardians fellowship with other believers, worship and grow in Christ with the rest of the church body, and serve the church body. We welcome babies, toddlers, and young children during the 9:30 am Sunday morning service and 5:30 pm evening service.

You can find us on the main floor directly adjacent to the lounge. Here you will find a colorful room staffed by experienced adults who have undergone training and related background checks. We want to serve you and help take care of your little ones!

Click the links to read our Nursery Policy and Child Protection Policy.

Note that our Child Protection Policy states that there will be two adults in every Sunday school class up to 4th grade in order to ensure the protection of the children.

Sunday school classes for toddlers through sixth grade use the Bible curriculum from Great Commissions Publications, which is a joint ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and the Presbyterian Church in America.

2- and 3-Year-Olds

The youngest children should be introduced to Sunday school and learn the first lessons of the Christian faith in Bible stories as well as songs and crafts.

Pre-K through Kindergarten

Sunday school teaches preschoolers and kindergarteners the vocabulary of faith by presenting the stories of the Bible.

First & Second Grade

Younger elementary students see a survey of the entire Bible as God’s Word, learning not only the stories themselves, but how they fit together into the whole.

Third & Fourth Grade

Middle elementary Sunday school integrates Bible stories around unifying themes such as worship, grace, missions, and trusting God.

Fifth & Sixth Grade

Children in older elementary grades again work through a survey of the entire Bible, this time emphasizing the history of redemption and how Christ is central in all of God’s Word. 

Seventh & Eighth Grade (Jr High)

Sunday school for middle schoolers is about taking the biblical building blocks they learned in younger grades and assembling them into the system of Christian theology. This class studies the Westminster Shorter Catechism and Heidelberg Catechism in alternate years.

Ninth through Twelfth Grade (Sr High)

The high school classes uses a multi-year curriculum that covers personal Bible study, prayer, church history, the Westminster Confession of Faith, career and vocation, and contemporary issues.

Adult Sunday School

This class explores the Westminster Confession of Faith in-depth, providing teaching on each chapter. Pastor Schrock is the instructor. This class meets upstairs in the sanctuary.