We have many opportunities to get involved in men’s ministries–including a weekday Bible study option, a Saturday men’s breakfast, and other various events throughout the year. We would love to meet you at any—or all—of these events. Please join us, and bring a friend!

Men’s Bible Study
Time: Thursday | 7 am
Location: Bethel
Contact: Jacob Williams

Join us every Thursday morning as we study the book of Romans together this fall. Coffee will be provided.

Men’s Breakfast
Time: Selected Saturdays | 7:15 am
Location: Bethel
Contact: Paul Burke

Our fall study series will begin on September 28. We will be studying Foundations of Covenant Theology: A Biblical Theological Study of Genesis 1-3 by Lane Tipton. We meet for breakfast at 7:15am and our discussion starts at 7:30am. We hope you will join us!