About Nature Camp
The purpose of Bethel’s Nature Camp is to help children develop an awareness of God’s creation through the observation and study of nature, and to grow in their understanding of God by relating their discoveries to the teaching of God’s Word.
We welcome all children that will be entering grades K-6 in the fall to attend and learn about God’s creation with us!
Highlights from Nature Camp!
Nature Lessons
Our nature teacher will lead the children through different topics each day, exploring God’s creation and working in tandem with the Bible lesson to show our God’s world and the nature around us point to him.
Bible Lessons
Through our Bible lessons, students will learn the about the creation story, fall, redemption, and restoration! Our skilled teachers speak to children at their own levels and work in tandem with the nature teachers to show how God created the world around us.
Each day, the children get the opportunity to create and craft together. Our carefully selected crafts often work with the Bible and nature lessons to connect the children to the material they’re learning and to God’s creation through the current theme of the week.
Small Groups
Although all the kids will spend time in a large group and learn together, small groups allow them to connect more deeply with one another and their small group leader, as well as practice what they’ve learned and connect the theme to their own life.
Our game time provides kids with a much needed time of activity during the day, as well as a chance to not only interact with the other students, but to work together and play together at the same time. Many of our games still reflect the theme of the week, letting the kids explore the topic in a fun way.
Music & Snacks
Nature Camp wouldn’t be complete without our music time, with songs that point to God and his creation, and often have fun rhymes and motions to relate to our theme. And, of course, we wouldn’t forget snack time!
Nature Camp Photos, 2022!
About Nature Camp 2024
Thank you for your interest in Nature Camp; unfortunately, due to an elevator installation construction project on the church building this summer, Bethel will not be able to host Nature Camp. For the safety of everyone, Nature Camp will be cancelled this year and will resume next summer in 2025. We’re sad we’ll miss you and your kids this year, but look forward to next year and a more accessible building!